Telnet-server configuration. (xinetd)

Install all packages associated with telnet server. Using Synaptic package Manager we install the package telnetd.

To activate the telnet service we should create the file named telnet in the folder /etc/xinetd.d with the following content:

service telnet 
  disable = no 
  flags = REUSE 
  socket_type = stream 
  wait = no 
  user = root 
  server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd 
  log_on_failure += USERID 

Next step:

$ killall xinetd 

Then I let it run in debug mode with the key -d.

$ xinetd -d

Then I look at debugging. If there are any errors it is necessary to fix them. If the service telnet have been started, messages should look similar to the following:

Service configuration: telnet 
	id = telnet 
	flags = REUSE IPv4 
	socket_type = stream 
	Protocol (name,number) = (tcp,6) 
	port = 23 
	wait = no 
	user = 0 
	Groups = no 
	Bind = All addresses. 
	Server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd 
	Server argv = in.telnetd 
	Only from: All sites 
	No access: No blocked sites 
	No logging 

14/1/20@17:09:34: DEBUG: 26667 {cnf_start_services} Started service: telnet 

It is very simply to check the operativity of the telnet server. In the command line we let the following command run:

$ telnet localhost

Enter the login word and password.