Ftp server configuration (xinetd)

Install all packages associated with TFTP server. Using Synaptic package Manager we install the package ftpd.

Next we need to modify the file /etc/ftpuser/. The file consist the list of users who are denied to login to ftp. Therefore we delete all users.

For anonymous login we should create a user named ftp. To add a user we can using either the adduser command or make changes to the file /etc/passwd manually:

ftp::14:50:FTP User:/home/dima/Ftpboot:/bin/false

If after ftp: was X, then that would mean that we have to login with password. After the word User we should write the path to the home folder for which we change permissions for read and write.

$ chmod -R a+rw /home/dima/Ftpboot/

For ftp service activating we should create the file named ftp in the folder /etc/xinetd.d with the following content:

service ftp
    socket_type = stream
    protocol 	= tcp
    wait 	= no
    user 	= root
    server 	= /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
    disable 	= no

Further steps:

$ killall xinetd

Then I let it run in debug mode with the key -d.

$ xinetd -d.

Then I look at debugging. If there are any errors it is necessary to fix them. If the service TFTP starts, messages should look similar to the following:

Service configuration: ftp

        id = ftp
        flags = IPv4
        socket_type = stream
        Protocol (name,number) = (tcp,6)
        port = 21
        wait = no
        user = 0
        Groups = no
        PER_SOURCE = -1
        Bind = All addresses.
        Server = /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
        Server argv = in.ftpd
        Only from: All sites
        No access: No blocked sites
        No logging

14/1/20@17:09:34: DEBUG: 26667 {cnf_start_services} Started service: ftp

It is very simply to check the operativity. In the next terminal we should create the file proba.txt. Then we should connect to our computer and send the file:

$ ftp localhost

Enter the login name ftp, password ftp, use the binary mode — bin.

put proba.txt

The file have to be in the home folder.